A crowd sourcing platform where players can enter how characters performed in tournaments, and the websites updates the ranking of the players accordingly. The website also displays matchups between any 2 characters of choice along with all the previously held tournaments.
A bot that works on rules defined by the admin of a discord community and adds/kicks users according to their roles from the plex community. The UI serves as a configuration management tool for the bot.
Analyze the sentiment trends of tweets having the #hashtag entered. The Web Application uses React for frontend and Flask for backend. The NLP model is build using Tensorflow.The app fetches tweets with Twitter API and the dashboard provides the graphical representation of sentiment trends and location based tweets.
A basic game of TicTacToe built using React. But, due to the relatively small state space (3⁹ = 196839 possible board combinations), it can easily search the whole game tree for an optimal solution, treating the game as a fully deterministic environment.
This app displays a random advice on click of a button or page load using API and hooks in React.
A simple application to help you keep track of your shopping lists. Developed using react as a practice project for hooks.
Contributed to YessCss. A web app to generate componets to be used in websites such as text, boxes, links etc. to make styling those simple but using complex styles in an easy to visualize manner.